Lily Tomlin - 2 CD comedy classics


Lily's First Two Recordings in this 2 CD set include: 
Track Listings: 1. Alexander Graham Bell 2. Mr. Veedle 3. The Marriage Counselor 4. Joan Crawford 5. Obscene Phone Call 6. The Repairman 7. The Bordello 8. Strike 9. Peeved 10. Ernestine 11. The Pagaent 12. The FBI 13. The Mafia and the Pope 14. Mrs. Mitchell 15. Awards Dinner 16. Boswick 17. IBM 
Track Listings: 1. Hey Lady 2. I Always Kiss Better 3. My Sister Mary Jean 4. Look in the Sky 5. I Dressed Him Up 6. Here's the Empty Lot 7. Guess This Riddle 8. I Can't Go to the Movies Here 9. I Go to Sunday School 10. Here's my House 11. Lady, Lady, Open Up 12. I Like Your Kitchen 13. Do You Have Any Chewing Gum? 14. I Like Your Kitchen 15. I Will Help You Unpack 16. Does This Chair Lean Back? 17. Tell Me Something, Lady 18. Finish Putting the Groceries Away 19. I Want You to Go
Lily Tomlin - 2 CD comedy classics
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  • Lily Tomlin - 2 CD comedy classics
  • Lily Tomlin - 2 CD comedy classics